국민의힘 윤석열 후보 확정 의미와 혁신선대위 요구

"윤석열을 민주주의를 지켜낸 의인이라고 믿고 대통령으로 손색이 없다고 본 것"

이병익 칼럼니스트 | 기사입력 2021/11/08 [10:58]

이병익 칼럼니스트


전 21세기 청년정치연구소장

전 이한동 국무총리 특보

전 미래연합 대변인

흥남철수작전 기념사업회 이사


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.

The people's power, the meaning of confirming candidate Yoon Seok Yeol and the demand for an innovative subrogation. 

 I think the confirmation of the people's strong candidate for the presidential election precedes the will of the party members to express their strong desire for a regime change through Yoon Seok-yeol. This means that there were more party members who thought Yoon Seok-yeol was the right person compared to other candidates. Although they narrowly lost the general poll, winning the responsible party vote by a considerable gap suggests this. Yoon Seok-yeol was judged to be the right person by the responsible party, who recognized that he overcame various interference and pressure related to the investigation that occurred while serving as the prosecutor general and defended his conscience and conviction. They believed that Yoon Seok-yeol was a righteous man who protected democracy and saw him as a president.

 Hong Joon Pyo, who finished second, has a great endurance. No one would have believed in his potential. Five-term member of the National Assembly and the governor of Gyeongnam twice. His career as the 19th presidential candidate twice as a party leader is an unrivaled career. It showed that the image of Kang Kyung-soo, who had been superficially put on him, was wrong. It is a matter to think about that people in their 20s and 30s who hate the Democratic Party and Yoon Seok-yeol chose Hong Joon Pyo. There may be some people who want to say that it is a reverse choice for the 20s and 30s to support Hong Joon Pyo, but the fact that many people supported him, whether it is a reverse choice or a net choice, does not change.

 Now, let's analyze it calmly. I was the final supporter of Hong Joon Pyo, but I have supported Yoon Seok-yeol, so I hope it will help the strategy by looking around the past actions of the two candidates. A party member who chooses Yoon Seok-yeol does not want to admit Hong Joon Pyo, and a party member who chooses Hong Joon Pyo does not recognize Yoon Seok-yeol. The reason is clear. Hong Joon Pyo supporters who said Yoon Seok-yeol contributed to the power of the people and was grateful, but could not be recognized as a presidential candidate, and Yoon Seok-yeol supporters who wanted to stop being old and make a new person president fiercely fought with each other. Yoon Seok-yeol had high public support, so the presidential candidate became natural, and Hong Joon Pyo broke the framework of an old-fashioned person and came out as a new Hong Joon Pyo became the path to the presidential candidate. 

 Yoon Seok-yeol saw Yoon Seok-yeol's self-righteousness due to various folktales, excuses, and apples, and found that there were surprisingly many people who hated him for his poor habits during the examination, such as attitude and tone. In this regard, it should be noted that many people have withdrawn their support. Hong Joon Pyo believes it is the cause of the defeat that he gained support from young people but lost the trust of traditional conservatives, disappointed that the investigation of his country's family seemed to have been over-investigated. The conservatives may have given up their support for candidate Hong, disappointed by the appearance of supporting his country in criticizing the lack of investigation into his country and its failure to investigate more strongly.

 The people who were dissatisfied with the behavior of many lawmakers who lined up on Yoon's side could not have supported Yoon. The people who knew that Semol's three shows were outdated would not have supported candidate Yoon. According to the poll, up to 57% of the people want a change of government, but many of them feel that it is insufficient to change the government as candidate Yoon Seok-yeol. In order to gain support from young people, it is necessary to show a clear vision for reform. Whether or not to serve Kim Jong-in should be judged well. If he appears, there will be no place for multi-election lawmakers who have supported candidate Yoon so far, and it will be a result of not wanting the people's demand for change. If he gives up, the noise in the party will disappear, but the expandability of support will decrease. If you think experience and experience are necessary for the key positions of the government, it is a matter to think about then, and elections require novelty and innovation.

 The furnace captain is also good, but forming a young captain will help expand the power of the people. It is affirmed that party members of the elderly will not turn their backs on the power of the people of innovation. What candidate Yoon Seok-yeol needs is inclusion. It is better to keep in mind that intergenerational inclusion is the key to this election.


Columnist Lee Byungik.

 Former Director of Youth Politics Research Institute in the 21st Century.

Former Prime Minister Lee Han-dong.

Former Future Union spokesperson.

Director of the Heungnam Cheolsu Operation Commemoration Association.


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