이준석 대표 체제 국민의힘이 나아갈 길

국회의원이나 지자체 선거에 나갈 후보들의 검증을 하겠다고 한 것은 좋은 발상

이병익 칼럼니스트 | 브레이크뉴스 기사입력 2021/06/14 [10:09]

이준석 대표가 명심할 일은 이준석 개인의 탁월한 능력으로 당선된 것이 아니라는 생각을 하기 바란다. 엄밀히 말하면 이준석 현상에 의한 당원들의 선택이다. 국민과 당원의 현명한 선택으로 30대 젊은 대표를 세운 것이다. 국민들은 정치의 변화를 갈망했고 이 기회를 국민의힘에 준 것이다. 오세훈 시장의 당선과정도 같은 이유다. 절대 겸손하기를 바라고 기회를 잘 활용하여 당의 활기와 확장에 직을 걸어야 할 것이다. 대선후보를 확정하고 관리하는 역할을 잘한다면 청년 이준석이 더 큰 인물로 부각 될 것이라고 확신한다. 20~30 세대의 당원 확장을 약속한 이준석 대표의 구상에 지지를 보내며 젊은 정당으로 나아가기를 희망한다.

 *아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. * Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article as'Google Translate'.

 Lee Joon-seok's leadership system is the way forward for the people.

 The people's power showed signs of generational change even before the election, and eventually chose young Lee Jun-seok. It can be said that it is a revolutionary move to choose Lee Jun-seok, who has no experience as a lawmaker, at his mid-30s in a party dominated by conservative old people. I believe that signs of change in the power of the people were already born during the by-election of the Seoul mayor. Mayor Oh Se-hoon's election was not a victory for individual Oh Se-hoon, but a victory was predicted due to sexual harassment of the former mayor and arrogance of the ruling party, and the angry roar of his 20s and 30s as an election helper helped him win.

 The results of the public opinion polls reveal the birth of Lee Joon-seok. Among the five candidates, Lee Jun-seok received nearly half of the votes, and the power of the public opinion affected the votes of the responsible party members. Members of the People's Power Party who voted, by any chance, must have been surprised by themselves. In fact, I expected from the start that there would be no one-sided victory. Just before the vote, the party member's regional bias and the delusion that an older party member would not easily choose Lee Joon-seok. I knew the trend of public opinion, but I expected a last-minute spurt of senior lawmakers to vote. But it wasn't until just before the election that it wasn't enough to stop a strong whirlwind.

 Lee Jun-seok should now form an election neutral leadership. The leadership will consist of one supreme council member and one party leader recommended in the same way and three members of the party, but the person leading the party will have no choice but to be the supreme council member. I will go to a system that supports and manages the presidential election. The party should plan a presidential election to prevent division and harmonize. It is fortunate that Lee Joon-seok said that the presidential candidate's entry into the party will be by the end of August. When I recalled when I said I had to take the bus before it left, I felt like the bus carrying the candidate would leave soon, but it seems a good decision to give me some time to the end of August. It is necessary to give time to candidates who have not yet emerged as candidates and to give time to candidates who hesitate. In the meantime, candidates will see the trend of public opinion and have time to examine their master plans for the presidential election. The fact that there are many candidates for the presidential election, which can give vitality to the party and attract public attention, can have a good effect.

 The Lee Joon-seok effect will bring dynamism to the people's power and serve as a stepping stone to innovation. Even party members who do not like Lee Jun-seok should now recognize and support his system. Only when his success is achieved, the power of the people wins. The success of the people means the recapture of power in the next presidential election. It is necessary to create a competitive and winning candidate to create a one-on-one confrontation with the ruling party's candidate, support better policies and win with moral superiority compared to the ruling party candidate. Lee Joon-seok, the party's leader, must serve as a faithful guide to the path of victory in the presidential election to solidify his political position. The demands of party members on the Lee Joon-seok system are bound to be 10 people and 10 colors. There will always be situations where all the demands of the party members cannot be met or ignored. Leadership comes into play at this time. It is necessary to maintain a permanent attitude of dialogue and compromise within the party and communicate. So far, the old leadership has not done so. There has been a unilateral practice of soloism by the party leader or leadership. It was a party that was not democratized within the party.

 It is a good idea to say that it will verify candidates who will run for parliamentary or local elections in the future. Although it is called a test, it is understood to be a test to verify the qualifications of candidates. First of all, the idea of deciding on a party spokesman as a debate is refreshing. A party spokesman should combine political power and quickness. I also need someone who can write and make sense. I think that the debate of the spokesman is very important. When people watch the debate on TV, they quickly notice who is good and who is persuasive. Lawmakers also seem to have trust in those who are good at debating. The party's leader, Lee Joon-seok, will make his first pledge to elect a spokesman and watch his leadership in communication and harmony. Negotiations with the ruling party and the struggle for loans should be changed to Lee Joon-seok's tactics. Wise loan negotiations and struggles will evaluate Lee Joon-seok's system. Starting in September, when the ruling and opposition parties enter the presidential election system, they will switch to a candidate-centered party system, with only about three months left to show the Lee Joon-seok system. Of course, there will be local elections after the presidential election, and the time for the party leader comes again. From now on, we need to show our leadership to gauge our influence after the presidential election. We need to be careful when the approval rating of the people's strength is rising noticeably.

 It is hoped that Lee Joon-seok will think that what he should keep in mind is not that he was elected with his individual excellent ability. Technically, it is the choice of party members based on the Lee Joon-seok phenomenon. With the wise choice of the people and party members, he established a young leader in his 30s. The people longed for a change in politics and gave this opportunity to the people. This is why Mayor Oh Se-hoon's election process is the same. We should hope to be absolutely humble and make good use of the opportunity to stake our position on the vitality and expansion of the party. If he plays a good role in confirming and managing the presidential candidate, I am sure that young Lee Jun-seok will emerge as a bigger figure. We hope to move forward as a young party by supporting Lee Joon-seok's initiative, which promised to expand party membership for 20 to 30 generations.